How Pomona College students sign up in Slack
For more information on Slack at Pomona College, please click here.
The instructions below will show students how to sign up in Slack.
- Open a new incognito window (Google Chrome) or new private window (Safari, Firefox or Edge).
- Visit and click on ' Sign in with Pomona CAS '.
- Complete the authentication with your Pomona College credentials.
- Click ' I Agree ' in the 'Review the terms of service' window.
- Click the ' Find Your Workspace ' button. Find the Pomona Students workspace, and click 'View Details'.
- Click Request to Join, and once a Slack admin approves, you can choose Launch in Slack.
- Your Slack session will begin in your browser. For the best experience, you can download the desktop app for Windows or Mac from or the mobile app from your phone/tablet app store.
- At first launch of the Slack app (all platforms), choose Sign In (on mobile, choose 'I'll sign in manually'), and use for the Workspace URL and Sign in with Pomona CAS. Your browser will then allow you back into the Slack app and you're ready to begin.