Sakai Course Site Access
* Course sites are set up two weeks after pre-registration is completed. Students and faculty cannot access the future course sites at this point. If access is required prior to the population date, faculty may contact the ITS Service Desk to be manually added.
**Course sites are populated two weeks before classes begin. Add/Drop scripts that update information run three times per day during the semester. When a student drops a course, their account is made inactive within the course site. However, the student is not actually deleted or removed from the site to ensure that any work that has already been submitted is retained.
- Note: The times the script runs to check for new Registrar information are 2:30AM, 12:20PM and 5:30PM. Any newly registered students to a course will not see their new Sakai course site until after the next script run time.
*** Two weeks after grades are due, course sites will be unpublished. At this point, the faculty can still access the course sites but the students cannot. For details regarding republishing, please see What Does Unpublished Site Mean?
Note: If a student requires access to an unpublished course site, they should contact their instructor for access.
Project sites are not affected. For more information, see What are Project Sites?